See What's New at Emprise
–News, events and job postings now all in one convenient location.
LiDAR – A Powerful Tool for Vessel Scanning
Discover the innovative solutions that 3D scanning using LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology provides for the future of maritime technology.
Using Diesel Doctor to Assist in Balancing Onboard Engines
Collect reciprocating analysis (RA) data using the Diesel Doctor DK-20 to plan for onboard maintenance and prevent costly repairs.
Ship Inspection Program (SIP): An Emprise Innovation
Screen an entire ship, locate issues and collect related data in an efficient and effective manner with new SIP Technology.
New Year, New Career
Chart a course for success in 2023 and take your career to the next level with one of the many career opportunities at Emprise!
Happy Holidays from Emprise Corporation
After a successful All Hands Training week, followed by the annual holiday party, Emprise Corporation continued the celebration by supporting a good cause.
Emprise Hosts 2022 All Hands Training Conference
During the week of December 5th, Emprise Corporation hosted its annual All Hands Training Conference.
ESGR Patriot Award Given to Ashore Team Lead
Emprise Corporation would like to Congratulate Ryan Blanton on receiving the ESGR Patriot award on Friday, December 10, 2021!
Starting New Traditions at Emprise
This holiday season, Emprise Corporation decided to begin a new tradition; adopting a local family for Christmas.
A New Look at Emprise Corporation
Emprise Corporation is currently embarked on a major rebranding effort, according to Graphic Designer Sergio Barrera.
“Branding” refers to the creation of an overall visual connection…
9th Ship Added to Great Lakes Condition Monitoring Program
Emprise Corporation is proud to announce that, as part of our continuing commitment to Key Lakes, the M/V Great Republic becomes the ninth Great Lakes Fleet vessel submitted to…