Business Intelligence with Tableau

Business Intelligence with Tableau

Author: Erica Streat (Emprise) As we advance our goal of becoming a more data-driven organization (fig. 1), we have adopted an application that has transformed the way we understand and interact with our data: Tableau. Using Tableau, subject matter experts and...
Emprise Corporation Celebrates 37 Years!

Emprise Corporation Celebrates 37 Years!

As we mark our 37th anniversary, we reflect on the journey that has brought us to where we are today. Over nearly four decades, our company has evolved in many ways. Our physical locations have expanded, our team has grown, and our product offerings have diversified,...
Happy Holidays from Emprise Corporation!

Happy Holidays from Emprise Corporation!

Emprise Corporation adopted a local family for the holidays for a third year this December. The event is a culmination of our All Hands Conference and annual holiday party celebration. This year, the Ledyard office collected non-perishables and proudly donated five...
Emprise Hosts 2023 All Hands Training Conference

Emprise Hosts 2023 All Hands Training Conference

During the week of December 4th, Emprise Corporation hosted its annual All Hands Training Conference. The purpose of All Hands is to bring all the teams, from all-around the country, together for a week of cross-training, collaboration, presentations, and camaraderie....
eDock – Data Transfer Reimagined

eDock – Data Transfer Reimagined

Author: Ryan Nugent The olden days, we used paper logs, things that could fly off the ship, fall into the bilge or get the old ship’s roll coffee onto it. Consequently, we have moved to electronic means which can be better for log retrieval, data entry quality and...